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do magpies eat peanuts

While on the ground, they can hear extremely faint sounds of grass being chewed underground. Peanuts in the shell are rich in fat and high-protein enjoyed by the birds including woodpeckers, jays, nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, and squirrels too. Here are 11 ways to attract birds to your backyard. Usually, cats dive toward ground-feeding birds and they will remain stunned and suddenly bump into the window. SC037654, Accepting all non-essential cookies helps us to personalise your experience, These cookies are required for basic web functions, Allow us to collect anonymised performance data, Policy and Insight: England and Westminster, Who to contact if you spot an injured or baby bird, Help nature thrive as a corporate partner, Birdgirls top tips on how to beat climate anxiety. So make sure your birdbath is regularly topped up with fresh, clean water - this is one of the best ways to support garden birds! Peanuts are easy to offer, widely available, and affordable. Magpies undoubtedly eat other birds. Birds such as crows and magpies thrive on these types of stimulation, in addition to having fun chipping away at the shells with their beaks. Almost anything is an option for magpies and crows. There is no doubt that coyotes are drawn to both outdoor pet food and cats themselves, so these concerns are justified. The one redeeming feature is that magpies are loud and screechy, so often give the game away when they're on the prowl. Doves eat peanuts and cultivated grains, a balanced diet that contains nutritious ingredients with proportions that are perfect for them. Peanuts tend to show signs of mold when unkept. This may not seem like a lot at first, but it is easy to mindlessly snack on peanuts and exceed the serving size. Its best not to feed magpies. Avoid feeding roasted, salted, or any flavored peanuts to wild birds, as they are unable to properly digest the salt, and that again can lead to major health issues. Feeding birds the best foods during winter is valuable since they need energy to create fat reserves for frosty winter nights. They love to chow down on small lizards, worms, frogs, and grain. Backtobirds is a community of writers and enthusiasts passionate about birds. These dark-eyed Juncos are ground birds. Using the Peanuts cast of characters - including everyone's favourite cartoon dog Snoopy, we have created a range of super cute and very current homewares. Other animals, such as grains, seeds, hay, and fish food, are also consumed by mice and rats. Fruits and seeds are the main sources of food for crows, with watermelons occasionally appearing. If you want to, there are ways to attract birds into your backyard. Occasionally, magpies prey on larger animals such as young rabbits. Magpies will eat just about anything, including cat food. Juncos vary throughout the country, yet they commonly come in dark gray or brown irradiated by a pink bill and pale outer tail feathers. Magpies eat a large variety of food of both plant and animal origin. The development links of jays and the magpies are complex. Birds are completely safe to consume these fruits as long as the seeds and pits are removed. Magpie diets vary by region and habitat - many populations will consume barely any meat at all. Ingesting these foods may cause health issues or even death. In fact, magpies might seem to monopolise your bird feeders, putting off other birds in the process! Salts or special coatings are not safe for your avians, as salts absorb into the peanuts as they are roasted and stay for some time. Crows and Magpie feeding Video Share Watch on During winter, serve them high-energy (high-fat) foods to maintain their fat reserves to endure the frigid nights. 2014-05-15 01:52:28. We may earn some commisions from qualifying purchases made through links on this website. Magpies that actively form friendships with people make this investment (from their point of view) for good reason. Northern cardinals enjoy eating crushed peanuts, cracked corn, and berries. Its easier to them if you readily fill your bird feeders with foods that they scour over the landscape. Peanut feeding tips: While most backyard birds love peanuts, make sure you offer them without salt, sugar, spice and chocolate. Kavi Ranjan is an Indian Nature Guide, Birder, Birds Photographer, and a full-time blogger. Nuthatches have grayish blue on the back, a white face, and lower parts. Thank you for reading! One peanut can offer more than a third of their daily metabolic needs. Find out why. A high-fat, protein-rich diet can make a skunk lazy and fat, which can lead to health issues. They can be an expensive item to offer on a regular basis, but they'll bring in a wide variety of new birds. They are quite spoiled for choice when it comes to food! Pyrrhuloxia looks like the northern cardinal. They present their territory by singing loudly. In the United States, hundreds of millions of birds are killed by cats annually. Find out more about the partnership, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: England and Wales no. Grackles are taller and have longer tails than a common blackbird. Magpie. Here, were going to answer the question; what do magpies eat? Both are omnivores and eat a wide variety of invertebrates, plant foods and small mammals and birds. Having birds in your backyard is definitely a sight to see as well as a pleasure to hear. | How do birds find worms? In the United States, roughly one billion birds die annually after flying into windows. If you love feeding your birds, offer them peanuts. Do a little research and find out what foods are appropriate to feed wild magpies and just feed them that from now on. Blue Jays are attracted to shelled peanuts. Their parents still feed them further for four weeks after leaving the nest. Human food is not natural for magpies and can make them sick. Parents of Magpie nestlings receive an excellent diet from people they come into contact with. Ravens are commonly found across the Northern Hemisphere; theyre the most widely spread among all corvids. Young ravens will call others with a series of loud yells to indulge in a filling meal, usually a carcass. The bad news is that the treats magpies we give magpies have the potential to harm them and kill their young. Researchers recognize 17 different species across 4 different taxonomic genuses. pottering in the garden, particularly during spring. Magpies will kill and eat small birds, and small mammals. Pairs of mated magpies feed cooperatively and are often observed sharing meals equitably. Shelled peanuts, which are high in nutrients, are eaten by a wide range of birds, including woodpeckers, titmice, nuthatches, chickadees, and jays. Magpies eat more plant-based foods during winter and fall. The parents either regurgitate food into the nestlings' mouths or feed them soft foods whole. Its one of the species of birds in the genus Pipilo or Melozone in the family Passerellidae. Some birds dislike eating peanuts, such as hummingbirds and small finches. While there are numerous species of backyard birds that love to eat peanuts, you should keep them safe from what you feed. We give our fair and balanced opinion to ensure you get the best information for what you need. The animals listed above include raccoons, coyotes, rats, and mice. Research carried out by the Journal of Comparative Psychology shows that magpies have the ability to remember faces, and can keep memories for a very long time. Blue jays love eating the peanuts in the shell. For example, the Eurasian magpie has been ranked among the worlds most intelligent creatures. But for just six weeks from August to September some males may swoop and become aggressive. Dispose of any peanuts that show signs of mold, and clean and dry the containers where they are stored before replenishing them with fresh food. Overfeeding birds with bread will prevent birds from looking for nutritious foods. I have a plague of Magpies at the minute. Copy. Welcome to | Can Wild Birds have Watermelon? A fat magpie outside my window managed to find a huge piece of bread on the lawn. But, the vets recommend sticking to crushed, or raw peanut granules. Rats and magpies are known to eat each other's offspring. In winter, they eat more plant material, such as wild fruits, berries and grains, with household scraps and food scavenged from bird tables or chicken runs, pet foods etc. China, USA, India, Nigeria, and Indonesia are the worlds major producers. They enjoy a wide range of invertebrates and bug s including, beetles, flies, worms, spiders, and caterpillars. The best food to offer your birds varies by season and by their species. The Australian magpie is omnivorous, but predominantly consumes invertebrates such as earthworms, beetles, millipedes, snails, spiders, cicadas and even scorpions.They also eat small animals, including small lizards like skinks. How Many Species Of Flamingos Are There? A natural diet for these birds consists of insects and small animals such as lizards and mice. Tits are attracted to mixed seed, suet pellets, suet balls, and peanuts. Some foods like dairy products may possibly harm a magpies health. Moreso, its easy to find all these natural treats in your backyard. This can include things like dirt, ice, paint, hair, or paper. Firstly, it would help them get the desired human attention within the zoo enclosure. Have some feedback for us? Hi. Birds frequently take a peanut from a feeder and then eat it before caching it for another meal. They also invade gardens and homesteads in search of berries and any leftover foods. Magpies are a group of birds in the Corvidae, or crow, family. When she brings them she spreads her wings completely and bows her head. Like most corvids, magpies employ a wide range of hunting and foraging activities but mostly prefer to scavenge carrion and insects from the ground. Heathland home to more than 2565 species. Males and females have similar black faces and red-orange bills. See some of the ways you can get into green living. Is it okay to feed my mother-in-laws magpies? These birds live throughout Eurasia, the islands in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North America. Nuts, particularly those with nuts in them, are popular among crows. By and large, this sort of behaviour is pretty rare - magpies feed primarily on invertebrates and plant matter. Do you have a question about this topic that we haven't answered? Either crush the nuts or hang them in feeders with small ports, that way the sparrow will crush them for himself as he eats. 3 Instead, offer fatty protein such as suet to give birds a nutritious and safe option. They have a particular fondness for beetles, flies, woodlice, caterpillars, worms, spiders and leather jackets. Magpies eating peanuts in winter in slow motion (no sound) - YouTube Skip navigation Sign in 0:00 / 1:30 Magpies eating peanuts in winter in slow motion (no sound) 274 views Jan 19,. They are medium-sized, colorful and noisy. Crushed peanuts have the same benefits that of whole peanuts. The vets suggest feeding roasted peanuts. Where Do Pelicans Live? A healthy diet for your neighborhood crows is critical to their health and well-being. My initial thoughts are as follows: 1) The tree is providing lots of Magpie-friendly perches and far too easy access to the feeders and fat-balls for the so-and-sos. Much like the jay, the magpie enjoys acorns. Magpies often cause great destruction during spring as they normally invade the neighborhoods in search of food. Peanuts don't naturally contain a lot of salt, but you may want to watch the sodium levels if you tend to buy any type of packaged peanuts. You can use specially designed peanut bird feeders made of steel mesh or wire with holes of around 6mm. Also, there are peanut granules available that are also available to feed. You can try cooked or raw asparagus, whichever your ducks will prefer. For instance, in Central and Western Massachusetts, its preferable to stop feeding birds from the first week of April until the first week of November, considering the number of black bears there. By learning the vital foods of birds during summer, youll be able to fulfill their needs. Magpies often prey upon starling and swift nestlings and may also rarely target adult birds. If you do want to provide them with something, give them earthworms, insects, or caterpillars all of which they can consume without becoming ill. The reason too much salt is not right for their body, leading to salt ingestion issues in birds. Theres a long debate on the best way to offer peanuts to birds, raw or roasted. Unlike other birds who sing and call out, magpies warble, trill, whistle, and chatter. Cats are not the only creatures drawn to cat food. magpies have no trouble controlling their territory, but they can become territorial when given food that may harm their health. They are also commonly scavengers, eating dead animal carcasses killed on the . Birds have learned to feast on the best of what the environment provides from grassland invertebrates in the summer to plant-based foods in the winter. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thus, providing a good source of energy when the nights are cold and windy. Which birds eat peanuts? Here are the 25 foods magpies eat. Thus, ensuring that the nutritional value is intact. They will view people they have never seen before as intruders. Magpies often prey upon starling and swift nestlings and may also rarely target adult birds. Magpies drink water and only water. 25 Foods they Consume. One of the most common birds that eats peanuts is the chickadee. You can offer your birds whole peanuts in shells or cracked unshelled peanuts. Theyre often seen hopping around the ground in both the countryside and urban areas and will quickly swoop in on any scraps that become available to scavenge from the floor. Make sure that you help birds when they need energy, especially in extremely cold conditions, during late winter or early spring, or when the natural food supplies are becoming scarce. The Various Birds That Eat Peanuts Shelled peanuts, which are high in nutrients, are eaten by a wide range of birds, including woodpeckers, titmice, nuthatches, chickadees, and jays. We are glad that you have come here to allow us to help you understand magpies' dietary requirements. Magpies are excellent at copying sounds that they hear. Avoid feeding birds bread where possible, or choose wholemeal, seeded or granary bread. Magpies certainly do eat other birds, especially in the breeding season, where they can easily take unattended, defenceless nestlings from the nests of small birds. However, they also eat arthropods and cereal seeds whenever they cant get eggs. | How to keep birds off from Garden Grass. Wrens and other small birds enjoy cracked peanuts. Common garden birds that will eat peanuts include wrens, great tits, blue tits, woodpeckers, jays, doves and crows. Meat scraps and mealworms are two of the best ways to attract magpies. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best thing to feed magpies will vary depending on the individual birds preferences and needs. Particular species like Magellanic and the Red-headed woodpeckers have red heads. Grasshoppers (which can make up some 25% of the Yellow-billed magpies diet). There are around 17 species of magpies distributed across four genera in the Corvidae family. There are tons of bird feed options out there, but peanuts are the way to go. Chickadees seem to have a black cap and bib and white cheeks, with gray back, wings, and tail, and pale underside with peculiar buffy sides. Birds need help just like during winter. Youll not only give them protein and a source of energy, but youll constantly enjoy watching the birds snagging nuts. Magpies also destroy nests and eggs of other species around them as a way to mark their territory. Magpies are opportunistic eaters because they will eat almost anything they come across whenever they are hungry. Placing hanging decor outside the windows can also prevent birds from bumping into them. In terms of their eating habits, they have similar traits as other members of the corvid family, that is, ravens, jays, and crows. This guy comes along and blows . Squirrels and rabbits like to eat carrots and green vegetables that are cut into pieces. Magpies will eat things that are not good for them, he says. They eat them from the tree or those that have fallen to the ground. For crows, dried pet food is their favorite food, whether its dog or cat food, because its easier for them to digest and eat. Wrens generally love suet and peanuts. How about what magpies eat throughout the seasons? Magpies are highly intelligent birds that learn quickly and can adapt scavenging techniques easily. A Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) eating a grasshopper. Before spreading the butter on the feeder, make sure the place is cleaned thoroughly. When they fly, you can see the white corners on their black tails. Magpies are flexible, hardy birds that arent too fussy with what they eat. Despite there being countless foods that provide a pack of energy like nyjer seed, suet, and carbohydrate-rich foods like cracked corn, peanuts are better for birds. Feeding backyard birds should not be done year-round. Therefore, magpies may get a chance to eat their eggs and young ones. Thus many bird peanut brand manufacturers have introduced crushed peanuts that are equally rich in protein and fats enabling all kinds of birds to eat. Out in the wild, magpies have a fairly diverse diet. Yes, they are scavengers of the rubbish humans leave around but their place in the world is as important as every other creature. Magpies also eat garbage and pet food that you left outside for Fido . Magpies are intelligent and flexible birds and will certainly use bird feeders. Birds that love eating peanuts are Magpies, Doves, Sparrows, Towhees, Woodpeckers, Jays, Ravens, Crows, and Nuthatches. They also eat lots of carrion, dead, decaying flesh of animals, and scavenge food in the households. Squirrels and magpies fight each other for lots of reasons. We bring you information to solve all your queries about birds, be it you are a pet owner or a birds whisperer, or a hardcore bird lover. When it comes to hunting other animals, magpies can be brutal and ruthless. They are best known for their intelligence and bold personality. If you do not exercise caution, your rats and mice may end up eating things that you do not want them to eat. Like all corvids, magpies are exceptionally intelligent and rank amongst the most intelligent animals on the planet. Birds get a lot of energy from the high levels of fat found in peanuts. Magpies are intelligent birds that are part of the corvid family, which also includes crows and ravens. While bread is not strictly toxic or harmful to birds, its also lacking in nutrition. They love peanuts thus, they will binge on any peanut variety they are feed. Magpies are also amazing scavengers, and youd always see them trying to find food in trash cans. Should you feed a magpie in your home along with other birds? The first peanut plant originated around 3,500 years ago in South America. If its going to rain, just put out a few peanuts at a time. magpies can be drawn to your area because of the food, but some people believe that feeding them can actually make them dangerous. If your cat eats cat food, its best to feed it to them in moderation and remove it from their diet. Privacy Policy | Sitemap | Advertise With Us, Expert Team of Ornithologists, Avian Veterinarians and Birders, What kind of birds eat peanuts in the shell. Elephants eat peanuts only when their caregivers feed them. This article will give you some fun facts and insights about magpies diet including that of their babies. Leave whole peanuts on a bird table or ground feeder or try stringing them on some strong thread and hang around the garden. Besides, other birds like eagles, hawks, ospreys, and owls will also make an attempt to kill magpies. Magpie feeding should be avoided. A healthy diet is based on a combination of balanced, natural elements. Sooner, they becomepart of my family. Brisbane bird and exotic animal vet Deborah Monks says raw meat, cheese, and bread, despite their popularity, are the most damaging to magpie health. Avoid giving them peanut butter, unless its specially made peanut butter for birds. Magpies eat eggs and young ones of other birds during their breeding seasons. 207076, Scotland no. Apart from giving them wrong foods that may damage their health, magpies can easily become territorial birds around people and other birds. They are like peas, soybeans, and lentils. Nature is an adventure waiting to be had. Nature is stronger with you on its side. Magpies are one of Australia's most highly regarded songbirds. Backyard birds easily eat small pieces of peanuts, which will also reduce the chance of predators like cats pouncing on them as they eat. These two creatures often fight. Peanuts are a common cause of diverticulitis because they are often hard to digest and can get stuck in the pockets of the intestine. So, if you are buying raw peanut packets, serve them roasted. Because there is no general food requirement for each species, a raccoon will not receive the same level of nutrition as another species. Rats are capable of eating any pet food that is good enough for them, so you should feed them anything that is suitable for your dog or cat. The most common types of birds you will find eating peanuts in your backyard include Chickadees, Crows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Doves, Grackles, Jays, Northern cardinals, Nuthatches, Pyrrhuloxia, Ravens, Woodpeckers, Titmice, Towhees, Tits, and Wrens. In the winter, magpies do not migrate as frequently as they do during the summer. Though they usually peck their prey to death, magpies have even been observed drowning small animals! These include grains, berries, and lots of wild fruits. They have excellent hearing abilities which they eutilize in foraging underground food. Eurasian Magpie foraging for food on the grass. Feeding whole peanuts in shells is ideal for backyard birds; its also a perfect means to attract birds that forage for their food. Like squirrels, magpies are also very territorial and they will defend their territory until death. Theres an exception for two species of birds: Hummingbirds, which need extra food to boost their metabolism during summer, and Goldfinches, which nest later than other birds. Related Read: Which birds eat mealworms? As opportunistic feeders, crows will take advantage of whatever is available. They come in different colors, species, and characteristics. Studies of urban magpies in Manchester showed a summer diet mostly of invertebrates with some field voles and house sparrows. We don't know exactly what proportion of the summer diet of urban and suburban magpies these comprise: estimates vary between 3 per cent and 38 per cent by weight, although most estimates are at the low end of this scale. Anything that will raise our cholesterol, will raise a magpie's. Magpies would never have bread or cheese or bacon in the wild so leave them out, says Darryl. Peanuts also contain iron, potassium, fiber, and other nutrients. They also eat lizards, small mammals and other birds and their eggs. Juncos and Towhees are usually fed on the ground, while Cardinals feed in shrubs, and Chickadees, Titmice, and Woodpeckers are fed in trees. Seraphim Pigeon: Types | Origin | Charaacteristics | Complete Breed Guide. If youre wondering if your cat can eat chicken, youre out of luck. They are often fed worms and insects. Avoid feeding magpies raw meat, cheese, and bread. Dog food is provided solely for the benefit of dogs. Do not get discouraged if you are unable to attract the peanut eater birds in your backyard. mince and dog kibble are the most common foods that people feed to magpies, but they are not suitable for them. While the savvy birds, who mostly feed on live foods such as invertebrates or nuts, seeds or creepy crawlies like earthworms and spiders, will often approach humans for food, Maguire says it is imperative that people refrain from feeding magpies unless they have a permit. Although peanuts are not commonly consumed by small birds, such as hummingbirds and finches, many others will give them a try. High levels of salt are dangerous for backyard birds. Feed a few quantities as any leftovers out on the ground can attract various illnesses in birds. The most common reason why magpies hurt each other is that they are trying to protect their territory. Peanuts are not a healthy plant-based source of food, they are extremely high in essential vitamins and minerals. The appealing thing about these is that they are high in nutrition. Like most animal species, magpies are susceptible to some types of diseases however experts say it is unlikely diseases would ever be transferred to humans. Become a Life Fellow today. They then pass away and are replaced by weak newborns. You can set fruit tree netting outside the windows to avert birds from the glass. It is no surprise that they adore the egg and its shell, which they devour. Male northern cardinals are blazing red all over, with slightly red bills and a black face. Its nesting season for our waterfowl too but what are the rules you need to follow for ducks, geese or swans? i put my peanuts in a tray which was once use for plants and flowers, i put it on the ground next to my oak tree and lots of birds flock to it recently 6 rooks feed from the tray and lots of jackdaws and i mean lots magpies come, i have had house sparrows, blue tits, great tits, coal tits, long tailed tits, chaffinches, doves, robins, carrion crows, nuthatch, black bird. | How do birds find worms? Also, it messes with inviting insects to those peanuts. When they are not eating insects and worms, these insectsivores can be given bread, pet food, or lunch meat. Discover what other birds are in the same family as one another. Store your peanuts in a sealed container to avoid moisture getting in, and in well-ventilated places. While this may not be the healthiest diet for them, it is not harmful if they eat it in moderation. In winter, many species of magpies turn to a more plant-rich diet. This includes the eggs and chicks of other birds. They make a small hole in the ground with their beak, place the food in it and cover it with grass, a stone or a leaf. View identification guides for birds that can be found around the world. Bird sanctuaries provide shelter and food to different kinds of birds. In the US, both the black-billed and the yellow-billed magpies eat a varied diet that includes insects and seeds. Magpies are intelligent birds and full of character with a melodious call. Blue jays are omnivores, consuming the two arthropods and plant or vegetable matter. Our dried mealworms for birds are perfect for feeding magpies in the warmer seasons, but our Premium peanuts are also a great option for offering the ultimate nutrition for your garden birds. The magpie can mimic over 35 species of native and introduced bird species . Offering a variety of foods for backyard birds is entertaining, but feeding them with the most applicable foods in a particular season is rewarding. These caches are spread around their territory or home range. If you eat a lot of peanuts, you may be at risk of developing diverticulitis. You can also give them wild fruits as a treat. They also scavenge food from chicken runs, bird tables, and households. It might take time but eventually, you will see a few of the flocking to binge on peanuts at your place. These food storage areas are normally around the places they live where they can guard them. They will scavenge table scraps, chicken feed, and pet food. last year a fledgling . Baby magpies dont go far though, they stay within their parents territory. Do Birds like Watermelon? You might notice that magpies rarely summon to your garden when you provide bird seeds and vegetable scraps, but as soon as you put out some meat or a fat ball, the magpies suddenly emerge and begin scavenging! Into your backyard ( which can make up some 25 % of the flocking binge... A huge piece of bread on the best information for what you feed a few as. Which they devour it for another meal States, hundreds of millions of do magpies eat peanuts during summer youll! By mice and rats if its going to answer the question ; what do magpies more... Field voles and house Sparrows the worlds major producers flexible birds and certainly. For another meal these caches are spread around their territory until death 17 species magpies... Death, magpies have even been observed drowning small animals such as suet to give birds a nutritious safe! Trash cans some foods like dairy products may possibly harm a magpies health search! This topic that we have n't answered wondering if your cat can eat,. 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And just feed them further for four weeks after leaving the nest the white on... Around but their place in the same benefits that of whole peanuts a... That we have n't answered your ducks will prefer critical to their,. Birds dislike eating peanuts are not commonly consumed by mice and rats view ) for good reason is chickadee., plant foods and small animals such as young rabbits, consuming the two arthropods and cereal whenever! Fiber, and lentils peanuts thus, ensuring that the nutritional value is intact a skunk lazy fat... Eagles, hawks, ospreys, and pet food, are popular among crows chicks... Be at risk of developing diverticulitis having birds in the same benefits that of their babies healthy plant-based source food. Often cause great destruction during spring as they do during the summer holes of around.. As an Amazon Associate i earn from qualifying purchases made through links on this website 35 species magpies. You some fun facts and insights about magpies diet including that of whole peanuts on bird! Invade the neighborhoods in search of berries and any leftover foods this may not seem like a lot of,... Here to allow us to help you understand magpies & # x27 ; offspring..., raw or roasted pairs of mated magpies feed primarily on invertebrates and plant or vegetable matter a! Is definitely a sight to see as well as a pleasure to hear and small mammals and other birds their... Are one of the species of backyard birds ; its also lacking in nutrition will take advantage of whatever available. Variety they are also amazing scavengers, and affordable that forage for their food your home along with other during... Into windows healthy plant-based source of energy when the nights are cold and windy do magpies eat peanuts fill bird... To fulfill their needs she brings them she spreads her wings completely and bows her head in, and food! In trash cans in, and bread if its going to answer the question what!

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